Stellar Evolution (III)

30 Abril 2020, 14:00 Israel Matute

Evolution of intermediate-mass stars (~5 M☉)

  • Helium and hydrogen burning in shells

  • (small) Helium flashes in shells

  • White dwarf and Planetary Nebulae phase

Evolution of the most massive stars
  • Similar evolution to intermediate stars but at a much higher temporal pace.

  • Most massive stars end up with an iron core and continuous layers burning the less heavy elements: Silicon, Oxygen, Neon, carbon, He, and H.

  • Depending on whether the final core mass reaches the Chandrasekhar limit different end scenarios are described: neutron star, Type-II supernova or black-holes.

  • These stars lose a large fraction of their mass before the end-stage. Large enrichment of ISM. Examples described in class.