An introduction to large-scale methods in Biosciences
22 Setembro 2021, 13:30 • Margarida Henriques da Gama Carvalho
- Define the term 'omics' and provide some examples of 'omics' approaches;
- Contextualize these research approaches in the current landscape of BioSciences and its aims;
- Understand the evolution from biochemistry/molecular biology to the systems biology level and the potential of ensuing applications;
- Understand the importance and need for quantitative and large-scale data analysis approaches in the current panorama of biological sciences and the need for a new generation of 'Bio-professionals';
- Understand the difference between data and knowledge.
- Acquire an historical perspective for the appearance of 'Big Science' and 'Omics' Technologies;
- Have an in-depth understanding of the aims and achievements of the Human Genome Project;
- Understand the impact of the HGP in technological development in the 20th century;
- Review and understand the basic principles of conventional DNA sequencing (Sanger sequencing)
- Identify and explain microarrays and their different applications as the first true 'omics' technology.