
Star Clusters as Simple Stellar Populations (II)

21 Março 2022, 08:30 André Maria da Silva Dias Moitinho de Almeida

- Globular clusters: Not so simple stellar populations; their spatial and metallicity distribution, HRD and multiple populations

- Embedded clusters and the pre-main sequence phase

Analysing resolved stellar populations using Gaia data and theoretical models (II)

14 Março 2022, 11:00 André Maria da Silva Dias Moitinho de Almeida

Jupyter-notebook exercise

# Reading the data tables in python

- simple basic approach (requires deleting and editing lines by hand)

- sophisticated approaches (fully automatic reading)

# First look plots 

- Isochrones: selecting ages; plotting

- cluster members

- Fine tunning plots

Star Clusters as Simple Stellar Populations (I)

14 Março 2022, 08:30 André Maria da Silva Dias Moitinho de Almeida

- Types of clusters: embedded, open, globular

- Some characteristics: numbers of stars, sizes, ages, metallicity

- HR diagrams of clusters

- Context in the Milky Way and in other galaxies

Additional reading:

- Chap 9 - Salaris & Cassisi

- Chap 2, 4, 5.1 - Greggio & Renzini

Analysing resolved stellar populations using Gaia data and theoretical models (I)

7 Março 2022, 11:00 André Maria da Silva Dias Moitinho de Almeida

# Data Retrieval:

- Isochrones from the "Padova" models web interface

- Cluster data from: Vizier and the Gaia archive

# Inspection of cluster data with Topcat

- Photometric diagrams; astrometric diagrams

- Identification and selection of cluster members

Introduction to Stellar populations / Stellar evolution recap

7 Março 2022, 08:30 André Maria da Silva Dias Moitinho de Almeida

# Introduction to Stellar populations (cont)

- Observational tools

- Stellar populations in the Milky Way

- Quick look of colour-magnitude diagrams of nearby dwarf galaxies

- Simple stellar populations

- Questions addressed in this course

# Stellar evolution recap

- HR Diagram and colour-magnitude diagrams of the Milky Way

- Stellar evolutionary tracks

- Mass dependent lifetimes

- Isochrones

- The Initial Mass Function

Additional reading:

- Chap 1 - Greggio & Renzini

- Chap 13 - Carroll & Ostlie