Aula n.º 11
25 Setembro 2017, 14:30 • Maria Helena Mouriño Silva Nunes
Room: 6.4.34
Duration: 3h
The controversy underlying the measures studied in the last classes, namely QALY and DALY to balance the cost and effectiveness of a certain treatment (or health technology) over another one, or no care at all. An overview of some European health agencies.
Group discussion on the results from the European project ECHOUTCOME: European consortium in healthcare outcomes and cost-benefit research (FP7 – Health project).
Aula PL nº. 2
22 Setembro 2017, 16:30 • Isabel Barão
Sala 6.4.34. Duração: 1h.
Acompanhamento dos estudantes tendo em conta o leccionado nas aulas TP.
Aula n.º 10
22 Setembro 2017, 14:30 • Maria Helena Mouriño Silva Nunes
Room: 6.4.34
Duration: 2h
Disability-Adjusted Life Year (DALY): it combines the time lived with a disability and the time lost due to premature mortality. Some insights on the construction of this indicator. Some examples.
Some comments on other indicators: HeAlthy Life Expectancy (HALE); Average Life Expectancy (ALE).
Aula n.º 9
21 Setembro 2017, 10:00 • Maria Helena Mouriño Silva Nunes
Room: 6.4.34
Duration: 3h
Introduction to the principal measures used in CEA: Quality-Adjusted Life Year (QALY) and Disability-Adjusted Life Year (DALY).
QALY: measures the trade-off between the length and quality of life. Some insights on the construction of this indicator. How to measure the quality of life? The Visual Analogue Scale (VAS); Standard Gamble (SG); Time Trade-Off (TTO); EQ-5D; etc. A broad idea on health questionnaires.
Aula n.º 8
20 Setembro 2017, 14:30 • Maria Helena Mouriño Silva Nunes
Room: 6.4.34
Duration: 3h
The problem of measuring the burden of disease.
The problem of measuring the burden of disease.
Introduction to cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA), the most widely applied tool to guide policy decisions concerning the allocation of healthcare resources. Introduction to the idea that cost-effectiveness studies can be designed to analyse competing interventions incorporating both cost and outcomes. The concept of Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio (ICER), which is expressed as incremental cost per incremental gain expressed in some natural unit.