- James Stewart
Single and Multivariable Calculus (early transcendentals)
- James Stewart
Calculus (single variable calculus, early transcendentals)
Cengage Learning
- Carlos Sarrico
Cálculo Diferencial e Integral para Funções de Várias Variáveis
Esfera do Caos
- Tom Apostol
Calculus, vol 2
John Wiley and Sons
- Boyce e DiPrima
Elementary differential equations and boundary value problems
John Wiley and Sons
- M. Figueira
Fundamentos de análise infinitesimal
Colecção Textos de Matemática, vol.5, Dept. de Matemática FCUL
- Salas, Hille and Etgen
Calculus, one and several variables
John Wiley and Sons