
- Campo Electromagnético, L. Brito, M. Fiolhais, C. Providência, Mc Graw-Hill, 1999.

- Electromagnetismo, Alfredo B. Henriques, Jorge C. Romão, IST Press, Lisboa, 2011 (2ªed).

- Campos e Ondas Electromagnéticas, P. Lorrain, D. Corson, F. Lorrain,  F. C. Gulbenkian, 2000

  (tradução portuguesa de: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves, W. H. Freeman and Company, NY, 1988).

- Introduction to Electrodynamics, D.J. Griffiths, Prentice-Hall Int., 3rd ed., 1999.

- C. Brau, Modern Problems in Classical Electrodynamics, C. Brau, Oxford University, 2003.


Outros elementos de estudo

- Electricity and Magnetism, W. Panofsky and M. Phillips, Addison-Wesley, London, 1962

- Classical Electrodynamics, J. Jackson, John Wiley, 2nd ed. 1975; 3rd ed.,1998.

- Principles of Optics, M. Born and E. Wolf, Cambridge University Press, 7th ed., 1999.

- The Classic Theory of Fields,L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Pergamon Press, 4th ed., 1975.

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