

  • Michel Habib, 1998, Bases Neurológicas dos Comportamentos, Lisboa: Climepsi Editores, ISBN 972-8449-59-3.John Anderson, 2000, Cognitive Psychology and Its Implications, 5ª ed., Nova Iorque: Worth Publishers, ISBN 0-7167-3678-0. James James, Walter Schneider e Amy Eschman, 2003, PsychMate Student Guide. Pittsburgh: Psychology Software Tools Inc, ISBN 1-880374-52-8.Stuart Shieber (org.), 2004, The Turing Test: Verbal Behavior as the Hallmark of Intelligence, Londres: MIT Press, ISBN 0-262-69293-7.:


  • William Bechtel e George Graham (orgs.), 1999, A Companion to Cognitive Science, Oxford: Blackwell, ISBN 0-631-21851-3.Jean-Pierre Changeux, 1983, O Homem Neuronal, Lisboa: Edições 70.Steven Weisler e Slavko Milekic, 2000, Theory of Language, Cambridge: MIT Press.Daniel Dennett, 2004, Freedom Evolves, Nova Iorque: Penguin Books.: