Developing mobile applications with Android: Basic applications
3 Outubro 2019, 15:00 • Tiago João Vieira Guerreiro
Developing mobile applications with Android: Activities, Intents, Application lifecycle, GUI Elements, layouts. Student assignment: Create a new application that starts with an activity with two buttons; When button 1 is pressed, a second activity is opened (a red one). When button 2 is pressed, a third activity is opened (a green one); When the second or third activity are closed, and you come back to activity 1 (not a new activity, should be the same instance), you should add a text view saying "Coming back from activity X" where X should be 2 or 3, depending on the closed activity.
How to search and analyse articles
3 Outubro 2019, 13:00 • Ana Paula Pereira Afonso
How to search and read articles. How to write a paper: surveys, ideas, tech reports and science papers.
Developing mobile applications with Android: Basic applications
3 Outubro 2019, 10:30 • Tiago João Vieira Guerreiro
Developing mobile applications with Android: Activities, Intents, Application lifecycle, GUI Elements, layouts. Student assignment: Create a new application that starts with an activity with two buttons; When button 1 is pressed, a second activity is opened (a red one). When button 2 is pressed, a third activity is opened (a green one); When the second or third activity are closed, and you come back to activity 1 (not a new activity, should be the same instance), you should add a text view saying "Coming back from activity X" where X should be 2 or 3, depending on the closed activity.
26 Setembro 2019, 15:00 • Tiago João Vieira Guerreiro
Introduction to the course practical component. Assignments, projects, and checkpoints. Project topics: presentation and discussion.
Introduction to ubiquitous computing
26 Setembro 2019, 13:00 • Ana Paula Pereira Afonso
Introduction to ubiquitous computing: what is is? how is evolving? how is it different?