
Android Location & Maps

28 Outubro 2021, 10:30 Ana Paula Pereira Afonso

Using Location. Using the Google Maps API.  Placing markers and tracing routes. 

Student assignment: tutorial project "Paint": incorporate a map and location capabilities into your app.

Wireless communication and wireless networks

21 Outubro 2021, 13:00 Ana Paula Pereira Afonso

Problems and challenges. Wireless connectivity.

Wireless communication. Electromagnetic spectrum: radio, microwaves and infrared. Wireless communications.Wireless networks and technologies: bandwidth and range. GSM and Satellite networks.

Android Sensors

21 Outubro 2021, 10:30 Ana Paula Pereira Afonso

Overview. Identifying Sensors and Sensor Capabilities. Sensor types supported by the Android platform. Sensor framework. 

Student assignment: tutorial project "Paint": adapt your Paint application when shaking and other sensor-related behaviors.


14 Outubro 2021, 13:00 Ana Paula Pereira Afonso


Android Events and Touch

14 Outubro 2021, 10:30 Ana Paula Pereira Afonso

Touch sensor. Detecting onscreen gestures. Using Sensors. Motion sensors. 

Student assignment: tutorial project "Paint": detect a double tap and a long press.