Example of Shor's algorithm and the HSP
20 Abril 2020, 16:30 • André Souto
Example of Shor's algorithm where r does not divide q.
Recap of group theory.
Introduction to the Hidden Subgroup problem.
Introduction to the Hidden Subgroup problem.
Definition of HSP
Problems as instances of HSP: Simon, Period finding
Another interesting problems of HSP
Lecture on Zoom
Shor's algorithm
6 Abril 2020, 16:30 • André Souto
Recap on phase estimation procedure. Another example of use.
Continuation of the period finding problem: the hard case when the period does not divide the number of qubits. Presentation of a partical example. Presentation of Shor's algorithm.
Lecture on zoom.
Exercises of set 3.
30 Março 2020, 18:30 • André Souto
Resolution of exercises of set of exercises 3.