Operations on registers and power of entanglement

9 Março 2020, 16:30 André Souto

Quantum memories and more than one qubit. 

Formal definition, measurement, partial measurement and unitary operations.
Examples of measurement.
Examples of unitary operations: Hadamard, phase shift, rotations, Pauli gates.
Independent operations on qubits and operations over multiple qubits.
Composition of unitary operations.
Examples: CNot, Controled-U, Tofolli, swap.
The missing operation: copy. Proof why it is not possible to copy arbitrary unknown quantum states.
The Hadamard over n qubits.
Implementing a boolean function quantumly.
The notion of entanglement.
Formal definition via product state.
Examples: The EPR pair, the Bell states, GHZ;
How to create Bell states.
The power of entanglement: Teleportation.