- Basic texts: Green, E.P., Mumby, P.J., Edwards, A.J. & Clark, C.D. (Ed. A.J. Edwards), 2000. Remote Sensing Handbook for Tropical Coastal Management. Coastal Management Sourcebooks 3. UNESCO, Paris. X + 316 p. Lillesand, T. M. & R. W. Kiefer, 2002. Remote Sensing and Image Analysis. John Wiley & Sons, New York, USA. 736 p. Eastman, J. Ronald, 2012. IDRISI Selva Manual (Manual Version 17.01). Clark Labs, Clark University, Worcester, USA. 324 p. Eastman, J. Ronald, 2012. IDRISI Selva Tutorial (Manual Version 17.01). Clark Labs, Clark University, Worcester, USA. 355 p. Horning, N, Robinson, J. A., Sterling, E. J., Turner, W., Spector, S., 2012. Remote Sensing for Ecology and Conservation. A handbook of techniques. Oxford Univ. Press, New York, USA. 467 p. :
- Glossary and remote sensing (RS) tutorial (Fundamentals of Remote Sensing): CRISP - Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing Online RS tutorial (S. C. Liew) Concepts and definitions with suggestive illustrations Presentation and description of the LANDSAT Program Applications, study cases, project history – platforms and sensors GDSC – Geospatial Data Service Centre Characterization and presentation of different band combinations for Landsat TM/ETM+ (Does not include the LANDSAT 8 OLI sensor!) For the TM sensor (Landsat 5), a detailed description of bands, band combinations and applications can be found at: Download of a variety of imagery from different platforms/sensors from the USG site USGS (registration needed). Note: not all collections are free! Base information on the Landsat missions, including the OLI (Operational Land Imager) and TIRS (Thermal InfraRed Sensor) sensors onboard Landsat 8 Portal to the Landsat program Includes comparative analysis of the program historical record and graphic information on spectral signatures of different land covers and their relation with different sensors spectral resolution. ESA Earthnet Online ENVISAT Mission – ended on April 8 2012 due to loss of communications with the platform:
- Sensors, characteristics and applications: Available data:
- Access to the Envisat project data. OceanColor Web General info, products and software available for the study of the Ocean surface:
- Access to different products for the Ocean: color, SST – Sea Surface Temperature, salinity, photosynthetic pigments, . . . Indian Space Reserach Organization IRS constellation (11 satellites) – and others ( Sensors, characteristics and applications:
- Available products and study cases. 6. Métodos de Ensino :