
Introduction to Blockchains

16 Maio 2019, 16:30 Alysson Neves Bessani

Concept of Blockchain; Nakamoto consensus; Current and future applications.

Smart Contracts Lab I

9 Maio 2019, 18:30 Alysson Neves Bessani

Introduction to Smart Contracts; Introduction to the Solidity Language; The REMIX IDE.

BFT State Machine Replication II

9 Maio 2019, 16:30 Alysson Neves Bessani

BFT SMR protocols with improved performance and robustness (when compared with PBFT). Tradeoffs. 

Intrusion Recovery

2 Maio 2019, 18:30 Alysson Neves Bessani

Proactive and Reactive recovery of intrusion-tolerant systems.

BFT State Machine Replication I

2 Maio 2019, 16:30 Alysson Neves Bessani

In-depth study of the PBFT protocol.