Métodos de Ensino e Avaliações

The curricular unit will be based on: (1) Lectures; (2) Seminars and presentations by invited speakers; (3) A field trip to the Lisbon Botanical Garden / Tropical Botanical Garden. The evaluation will consist of a written exam at the end of the course and the preparation of a project proposal (written essay), with an oral presentation and discussion. The final grade of the course will consist of the weighted average calculated from the following formula: 50% written exam; 35% written essay; 10% oral presentation of the project research topic; 5% participation in class discussions. In both assessments (written exam and written essay) the minimum grade for approval in the course is 8 (eight). The course approval is achieved by a minimum overall grade of 10 (ten), when rounded to the nearest unit. The grade improvement will consist of the weighted average grade of the new exam (50%) and the grade of the written essay delivered in the first evaluation and the topic presentation (50%).