6ª Aula

24 Outubro 2019, 17:30 Maria Salomé Esteves Cabral

5. Statistical Analysis of RCT. Parallel Group Design. Two Groups

 5.2    Models for Categorical Endpoints

 5.2.1  Chi-square test. Fisher exact test. Example 5.2.1 

 5.2.2  Confidence interval.

 5.2.3  Odds, Odds Ratio and other measures

 5.2.4 Power of the test. Sample size required. Minimum  detectable 

          difference.  Examples 5.2.2; 5.2.3 and 5.2.4  

R package 

(i) The use of prop.test and fisher.test functions 

Exercises 2: Resolution of exercise 10

(ii) The use of power.prop.test and dimdif function

Exercises 2: Resolution of exercises 11, 12, 13 e 14