Apresentações Orais III

21 Abril 2020, 11:30 Bernardo Duarte

Apresentações orais dos trabalhos:

Rajapaksha, R.M.C.P., Todor-Kaplon, M.A. and Baath, E. 2004. Metal Toxicity Affects Fungal and Bacterial Activities in Soil Differently. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70, 2966-2973.

Duarte, I.A., Reis-Santos, P., Novais, S.C., Rato, L.D., Lemos, M.F.L., Freitas, A., Pouca, A.S.V., Barbosa, J., Cabral, H.N. and Fonseca, V.F., 2020. Depressed, hypertense and sore: Long-term effects of fluoxetine, propranolol and diclofenac exposure in a top predator fish. Science of the Total Environment 712, 136564.

Hou, J., You, G., Xu, Y., Wang, C., Wang, P., Miao, L., Dai, S., Lv, B. and Yang, Y. 2016. Antioxidant enzyme activities as biomarkers of fluvial biofilm to ZnO NPs ecotoxicity and the Integrated Biomarker Responses (IBR) assessment. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 133, 10-17.