S.M.Ross(1997) Introduction to Probability theory, Academic Press A.C.Davison(2009) Statistical Models. Cambridge University Press S.I. Resnick(1992) Adventures in Stochastic Processes. Birkhauser W. Bolstad(2007) Introduction to Bayesian Statistics. Wiley Computational statistics:T. Hothorn and B. Everitt(2009) A Handbook of Statistical Analyses using R. Chapman and Hall Book on time series: P. Brockwell and R. Davis(2002) Introduction to Time series and Forecasting. Springer Spatial data: N. Cressie(1993) Statistics for spatial data. Wiley Hierachical space-time models: S. Banerjee, B. carlin and A. Gelfand(2004) Hierarchical modeling and analysis for Spatial data. Chapman and Hall Linear and generalized linear models: J. Faraway(2004) Linear Models with R. Chapman and hall. J.J. Faraway(2005) Extending the Linear Model with R: Generalized Linear, Mixed Effects and Nonparametric Regression Models. Chapman and Hall. J. Beirland et al(2004) Statistics of extremes.:
Alternative extreme value book: Embrecths et al (1997) Modelling extremal events. Springer Gaussian Random fields: H. rue and L. Held(2005) Gaussian Markov random fields. Chapman and Hall Point processes:Moller and Waagepetersen(2004) Statistical Inference and simulation for spatial point processes. Chapman and Hall Some specialised statistical literature on Earth Sciences:Wilks(2006) Statistical methods in the atmospheric sciences. Elsevier Storch and Zwiers(1999)Statistical Analysis in Climate research . Cambridge University press. R. Olea(2008) Basic statistical concepts and methods for earth scientists. open file report. U.S. Geological survey. :