
Lecture 14: Fourier Transform, part III. Sobolev Spaces, part I

13 Abril 2018, 11:00 Hugo Tavares

The derivative of a temperate distribution is a temperate distribution. A polynomial times a tempered distribution is a tempered distribution. Formulas for derivatives of tempered distributions.
Introduction to the Sobolev Spaces W^{k,p}(Omega): definition, norms, examples, elementary properties.

Not Taught.

12 Abril 2018, 11:00 Hugo Tavares

Deslocação do docente em serviço.

Lecture 13. Fourier Transform, part II

10 Abril 2018, 14:00 Hugo Tavares

The Fourier Transform and its inverse from the Schwartz space into itself,
Extension to L^2: Plancherel's and Parseval's formulas. Examples.

Lecture 12: Distributions part II; Fourier Transform part I

6 Abril 2018, 11:00 Hugo Tavares

Higher order derivative of a distribution. COmputation of the derivative of the fundamental solution of the Laplace Equation in the sense of distributions.
Definition of Fourier Transform and Inverse Fourier Transform in L^1.
The Schwartz space, definition of convergence and some continuous embeddings.

Exercise class 6

5 Abril 2018, 11:00 Hugo Tavares

The heat and wave equations: solution of exercises 1, 2 and 4 of Exercise Sheet 4.
Distributions: solution to exercise 3a) of Exercise Sheet 5.