
Operational methods

16 Dezembro 2019, 08:00 Rui Rosa

IPMA Catch-at-age data (e.g. PNAB); Daily Egg Production (DEPM) surveys; CUFES; CalVet; Bongo nets; Acoustic surveys; Side-Scan SONAR; Standard & Multi-Frequency Echo Sounders; Remotely-Operated Vehicles (ROVs); Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs); Video Plankton Recorders (VPRs); Optical plankton counters (OPCs) & Laser OPCs; Sediment Profile Imaging (SPI); Autonomous Lander Vehicles; Sediment traps; Trawls including MOCNESS 

Portuguese fisheries and aquaculture: patterns, types and trends – part B

9 Dezembro 2019, 08:00 Rui Rosa

Licenses and number of fishing vessels; type of fishing and respective numbers; most common fishing techniques; Differences among regions in terms of landings and resource type. Most valuable fishery resources; TACs and quotas in Portugal; Minimum sizes; Major aquaculture species and regions

Portuguese fisheries and aquaculture: patterns, types and trends - part A

2 Dezembro 2019, 08:00 Rui Rosa

Major landings and exploited stocks; International Fishing; SFPAs and direct fishing authorizations; International waters and RFMOs; ICES and respective working groups; Database of EU external water fleet; Estatísticas de Pesca – DGRM. Oral presentations of working groups (students).

World fisheries and aquaculture: patterns and trends - Part D

25 Novembro 2019, 08:00 Rui Rosa

Aquaculture production distribution and major producers; “The China factor”; World employment for fishers and fish farmers – trends; fishing fleet – numbers, types and locations; the status of fishery resources – sustainable, unsustainable and underfished; global trends in the state of marine stocks; unsustainable and underfished by FAO areas; Temporal patterns in fish landings, State of tuna stocks; use of FADs; RFMOs; ICCAT and Other Tuna RFMOs; Exporters and importers; Fish consumption; TACs and quotas       

World fisheries and aquaculture: patterns and trends - Part C

18 Novembro 2019, 08:00 Rui Rosa

Marine aquaculture vs coastal aquaculture; Production trends by continent; FISHSTAT software exercises; Major farmed seaweed producers; Conservation Economics – concept of Maximum Sustainable Yield; Marine Stewardship Council.