

  • 1 - Introduction to Concepts and Theories in Physical Sciences, Gerald Holton and Stephen Brush, PUP, 1985. 2 – The Beginnings of Western Science, David Lindberg, UCP, 1992. 3 – A revolução copernicana, Thomas Kuhn, Edições 70, 1990. 4 – From Galileu to Newton, A. Rupert Hall, Dover, 1981. 5 – Energy, Force and Matter. The Conceptual Development of Nineteenth-Century Physics, P. M. Harman, CUP, 1982. 6 – The Rise of the Wave Theory of Light. Optical Theory and Experiment in the Early Nineteenth Century, Jed. Z. Buchwald, UCP, 1989. 7 - Fields of Force: The Development of a World View from Faraday to Einstein, William Berkson, Routledge, 1974.:


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