Demonstração da coerência das metodologias com os objectivos

The Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon systematically uses four different types of classes: i) Teóricas (T): essentially expository lectures by professors, in which the concepts and methods are explained and exemplified; ii) Teórico-Práticas (TP): during these sessions students work individually, with teaching staff support, solving selected exercises in order to consolidate the relevant concepts. Although student participation is encouraged during theoretical (T) classes, TP's have a much smaller number of students per class, allowing them to have a much more active role while solving problems, asking questions and trying to clarify their doubts; iii) Práticas (PL): laboratory classes and/or computational work in which students carry out (individually or in groups) formative activities, with teaching staff support; iv) Tutoriais (OT): sessions used for more personalized student support. This course uses a combination of 1.5T+1.5TP+3PL hours per week because this is the optimal combination to achieve the course objectives for the selected syllabus.