11 Fevereiro 2022, 10:36
Miguel Centeno Brito
I made a mistake when uploading the final grades to the fenix system. The mark sheet (pauta) has now been corrected.
I am sorry for the inconvenience.
7 Fevereiro 2022, 12:36
Miguel Centeno Brito
the exam will take place this friday feb 11th at 10am in room 8.2.10.
as before, depending on its grade, it might count as the final classification of the course or replace the test score, and combine with the grades of the homework/advanced topics/lab reports, whichever is higher.
(there will be a question about the advanced topics presentations.)
23 Janeiro 2022, 09:42
Miguel Centeno Brito
the link for the advanced topics on monday from 9:30am:
i would like to remind you that you are all expected to participate in the full session, attending all presentations.
8 Janeiro 2022, 11:22
Miguel Centeno Brito
the exam will take place on tuesday at 9:00 am (8.2.39).
as far as i am aware there is no need for a negative covid test for the exam. if you are in 'isolamento profilático' you can still make the exam using zoom (with camera and microphone on). please connect at 9:00am to:
at the end of the exam we will schedule/chat about the advanced topics.
14 Dezembro 2021, 10:22
Miguel Centeno Brito
hello all
the slides describing the advanced topics exercise is already available on the 'lectures' tab. the topics suggested are only meant to illustrate what you could explore for this work, you don't have to choose one of them!
in the drive, i've shared the file below, where you can 'register' your group and your research topic,
during the first week of january we'll hold (virtual) tutorial meetings with each group to guide the research work.
the final presentations will take place on january 24th, at 9:30am, via zoom. i'll share the link closer to the date on this page,
good luck for the remaining of the semester, enjoy the break and see you in 2022 :-)