
7 - Physiological adaptation and homeostasis

11 Novembro 2016, 18:00 Ana Maria Gomes Moura Pires de Andrade Tenreiro

7.2.3 - Haem based redox sensors

7.2.4 - Flavin based redox sensors

7.3 - Regulation of gene expression associated with transition aerobic/anaerobic

7.3.1 - The Arc system (Aerobic Respiratory Control)

7.3.2 - The FNR (Fumarate Nitrate Reductase) system

7.3.3 - The three-component system ArcB / ArcA / RssB

7.3.4 - The Nar (Nitrate reductase) system (NarXL and NarQP)

7.4 - Hierarchical regulation of transport and utilization of carbon sources

7.4.1 - PEP:carbohydrate phosphotransferase system (PTS system)

7.4.2 - Global regulation of CCR and specific regulatory mechanisma at the level of operon

7.4.3 . CCR in E. coli vs. CCR in B. subtillis

7.5 - Photo-regulation in prokaryotes

7 - Physiological adaptation and homeostasis

4 Novembro 2016, 18:00 Ana Maria Gomes Moura Pires de Andrade Tenreiro

7.1 - General introduction to the systems of signal transduction

7.1.1 - Signal transducers proteins (signaling proteins)

7.1.2 - Bacterial "IQ" as an adatability index; "extroverts" and "introverts" bacteria

7.1.3 - The three characteristic signaling pathways developed by prokaryotes

7.1.4 - Structural organization of signal transduction

7.2 - Bacterial redox sensors

7.2.1 - Thiol based redox sensors

1st Mid-Term Evaluation

28 Outubro 2016, 18:00 Ana Maria Gomes Moura Pires de Andrade Tenreiro

1st Mid-Term Evaluation

Metabolic regulation

21 Outubro 2016, 18:00 Ana Maria Gomes Moura Pires de Andrade Tenreiro

6 - Metabolic regulation

6.1 - Introduction. Signal transduction and regulation in bacteria (metabolic, regulatory and signal transduction networks interaction)

6.2 - Modulation of protein activity: covalent modification and allostery

6.3 -  Modulation of protein amounts

6.3.1 - Bacterial RNA polymerase and transcription

6.3.2 - Sigma factors in E. coli

6.4 - Positive and negative regulation of the lac operon

6.5 - trp operon - regulation by transcription attenuation

Physiology of growth in extreme environments. Membranes and solutes transport

14 Outubro 2016, 18:00 Ana Maria Gomes Moura Pires de Andrade Tenreiro

4 - Physiology of growth in extreme environments

4.7 - pH homeostasis in neutralophile, acidophile and alkaliphile microorganisms

4.8 - Mechanisms of acid resistance in E. coli

4.9 - Helicobacter pylori acclimation to an acidic niche

5 - Membranes and solutes transport

5.1 - Natural permeability of the membrane. General types of transmembrane transport

5.2 - Classification of transmembrane transport of solutes

5.2.1 - secondary active transport (uniport, simport and antiport; electroneutral and electrogenic transport)

5.2.2 - primary active transport (ABC transporters and P-type ATPase; transport coupled to the transfer of methyl groups; carriers coupled to redox reactions and to the absorption of light; PTS system)