Physiology of growth in extreme environements

7 Outubro 2016, 18:00 Ana Maria Gomes Moura Pires de Andrade Tenreiro

3.3.2. Energy transduction parameters

3.3.3 - Electron transport organization - bacterial standard

3.3.4 - Electronic flow patterns in bacteria

4 - Physiology of growth in extreme environements

4.1 - Introduction

4.2 - Adaptations of the walls and membranes of hypertermophiles at elevated temperatures

4.3 - Startegies for thermal stabilization of nucleic acids

4.4 - Thermolabile metabolites and alternative pathways

4.5 - Stability and flexibility of extremophilic enzymes; inactivation and unfolding

4.6 - Osmoregulatory systems of E. coli