Projects, project management and project inception
27 Setembro 2019, 15:00 • Ana Respicio
Projects, project management and project inception: exercise.
Project management: foundations
27 Setembro 2019, 13:00 • Ana Respicio
What is a project? • Project Management vs. General Management • Why are projects needed? • Types of projects and its context • Categories and time vs. results • Project failures • The role of the project manager • The knowledge areas of project management (PMBOK) • The project's lifecycle.
20 Setembro 2019, 16:30 • Ana Respicio
Presentation of the labs classes. Presentation of the project.
20 Setembro 2019, 15:00 • Ana Respicio
Presentation of the labs classes. Presentation of the project.
Course intro
20 Setembro 2019, 13:00 • Ana Respicio
Presentation of the course. Scope and expected outcomes. Program. Bibliography. Evaluation rules.