28 Maio 2018, 13:00 • João Manuel Lima da Silva Mata
Caso de estudo: Magmatismo em silicatado e carbonatítico em Cabo Verde.
Martins, S.; Mata, J.; Munhá, J.; Mendes, M.H.; Maerschalk, C.; Caldeira, R. & Mattielli, N. (2010) – Chemical and mineralogical evidence of the occurrence of mantle metasomatism by carbonate-rich melts in an oceanic environment (Santiago Island, Cape Verde). Mineralogy and Petrology, 99: 43-65.
Mata, J.; Moreira, M.; Doucelance, R.; Ader, M. & Silva, L.C. (2010) – Noble gas and carbon isotopic signatures of Cape Verde oceanic carbonatites: Implications for carbon provenance. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 291: 70-83. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2009.12.052
Mourão, C.; Moreira, M.; Mata, J.; Raquin, A. & Madeira, J. (2012) - Primary and secondary processes constraining the noble gas isotopic signatures of carbonatites and silicate rocks from Brava Island: evidence for a lower mantle origin of the Cape Verde plume. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 163: 995-1009. doi:10.1007/s00410-011-0711-7
Mourão, C.; Mata, J.; Doucelance, R.; Madeira, J.; Brum da Silveira, A.; Silva, L.C. & Moreira, M. (2010) – Quaternary extrusive calciocarbonatite volcanism on Brava Island (Cape Verde): A nephelinite-carbonatite immiscibility product. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 56: 59-74.
Mourão, C.; Mata, J.; Doucelance, R.; Madeira, J.; Millet, M-A. & Moreira, M. (2012) – Geochemical temporal evolution of Brava Island magmatism: constraints on the variability of Cape Verde mantle sources and on the carbonatite-silicate magma link. Chemical Geology, 334: 44-61.