

  • Helge Kragh, Introdução à Historiografia da Ciência (Porto: Porto Editora, 2003). Kostas Gavroglu, O Passado das Ciências como História (Porto: Porto Editora, 2007). Kostas Gavroglu e Jürgen Renn (eds.), Positioning the History of Science (Dordrecht: Springer, 2007) Arne Hessenbruch, ed. Reader's Guide to the History of Science. (Chicago: Fitzroy Dearbor Publishers, 2000). R.C. Olby, G.N. Cantor, J.R.R. Christie, M.J.S. Hodge, eds., Companion to the History of Modern Science (New York: Routledge, 1990) Mario Biagioli, ed., The Science Studies Reader (London: Routledge, 1990). Thomas S. Kuhn, A Estrutura das Revoluções Científicas (São Paulo: Perspectiva, 1990). [The Structure of Scientific Revolutions]. H. Floris Cohen, The Scientific Revolution: A Historiographical Inquiry (Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1994).:


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