
Aula 3

28 Setembro 2021, 09:00 Andreia Sofia Teixeira

Intelligent Agents

  • Agents and Environments
  • The Concept of Rationality
  • The Nature of Environments
  • Properties of Task Environments
  • Structure of Agents
  • Examples

Solving Problems by Searching

  • Problem Solving Agents
  • Search Problems Formulation
  • State Space as a Graph vs. Search Tree
  • Search Data Structures
  • Measuring Performance and Complexity
  • Examples

Aula 2

21 Setembro 2021, 09:00 Andreia Sofia Teixeira

  • Foundations and History of AI
    • Approaches to AI
    • Beneficial Machines
    • AI Today

Aula 1

14 Setembro 2021, 09:00 Andreia Sofia Teixeira


Introduction to AI (Russell S, Norvig P. Artificial intelligence: a modern approach. 4th Edition - Chapters 1.1 and 1.2).