TP10 - Adaptation
7 Maio 2024, 11:00 • Rui Pires de Matos Taborda
Adaptation Concepts. Adaptation options: no action, retreat, and protection (both hard and soft engineering). Sediment management.
T 10 - Barriers
7 Maio 2024, 09:00 • Rui Pires de Matos Taborda
Tidal inlets and inlet migration. Monitoring inlet dynamics.
TP 9 Longshore drift
30 Abril 2024, 11:00 • Rui Pires de Matos Taborda
Resolution of exercises on longshore drift and sediment budget.
T9 - Sediment budget. Barrier systems and tidal inlets. Coastal adaptation
30 Abril 2024, 09:00 • Rui Pires de Matos Taborda
Coastal evolution and the sediment budget. Dynamics of barrier systems. coastal adaptation: do nothing, retreat, protect, acommodate.