

21 Novembro 2023, 16:00 Ana Paula Pereira Afonso

SQL/DML II: Nested queries. Correlated nested queries.Set-comparison operators. Examples of nested queries.
SQL/DML III: Aggregate operators. The GROUP BY and HAVING clauses. Examples of aggregate queries. Division operator.


21 Novembro 2023, 13:30 Ana Paula Pereira Afonso

Laboratory class: Exercises SQL/Data Manipulation Language(DML)

Project support

14 Novembro 2023, 18:00 Ana Paula Pereira Afonso

Laboratory class: support to the project

Relational Model IV and SQL/DML I

14 Novembro 2023, 16:00 Ana Paula Pereira Afonso

Relational Model IV: Introduction to Views, Data Independence, Security. 
Updates on Views. Destroying/Altering Tables and Views. Enforcing Integrity Constraints.
SQL I: Overview, the form of a basic SQL query, and examples.
Expressions and Strings in the SELECT command.UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT. 
Nested queries. Correlated nested queries.Set-comparison operators. Examples of nested queries.

Project support

14 Novembro 2023, 13:30 Ana Paula Pereira Afonso

Laboratory class: support to the project