
Course presentation and ER model

27 Setembro 2022, 18:00 Ana Paula Pereira Afonso

T/P Course presentation.
Conceptual design with ER model - exercise intership management

Conceptual design with ER model I

27 Setembro 2022, 16:00 Ana Paula Pereira Afonso

Data and data models, The Universe of Discourse. 
Levels of abstraction in database design: Conceptual, logical and physical. 
An introduction to Entity/Relationship (E/R) modeling. Entities, relationships and constraints.

Course presentation and ER model

27 Setembro 2022, 13:30 Ana Paula Pereira Afonso

T/P Course presentation.
Conceptual design with ER model - exercise intership management

TP classes start next week

20 Setembro 2022, 18:00 Ana Paula Pereira Afonso

TP classes start next week.

Course presentation

20 Setembro 2022, 16:00 Ana Paula Pereira Afonso

Course presentation. Motivation and overview of DBMS, planning, evaluation method and bibliography.