- Biology of fishes: Bond, C.E. 1996
- Ichthyology: Lagler, K.; Bardach, J. E.; Miller, R.R. & Passino, D.R.M. 1977
- Vertebrates: Comparative anatomy, function, evolution: Kardong, K.V. 2006
- Analysis of vertebrate structure: Hildebrand, M. 1988
- Fishes – An introduction to ichthyology: Moyle, P.B. & Cech, J.J., Jr. 2004
- Fishes of the world: Nelson, J.S.; Grande, T.C. & Wilson, M.V.H. 2016
- Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Vols. I a III: Whitehead, P.J.P.; Bauchot, M.-L.; Hureau, J.-C.; Nielsen, J. & Tortonese, E. (eds.) 1989
- Informação disponibilizada na plataforma Moodle: Docentes 2019