
tests of hypotheses

14 Novembro 2018, 10:30 Kamil Feridun Turkman

Adhoc method of formulating tests of hypotheses. test statistics and the construction of critical region

tests of hypotheses

14 Novembro 2018, 09:00 Kamil Feridun Turkman

test of hypotheses as an problema of statistical decision. The bayesian solution

tests of hypotheses

9 Novembro 2018, 14:00 Kamil Feridun Turkman

An  exemple to highlight the notion of tests of hypotheses.

Elements of tests of hypotheses

Decision theory and fifferent definitions of risk

9 Novembro 2018, 13:00 Kamil Feridun Turkman

Exercises:two problems and their solutions in decision theory

decison theory

7 Novembro 2018, 10:30 Kamil Feridun Turkman

Different forms of risk and their calculation