
exercises on MVUE

27 Outubro 2017, 13:00 Kamil Feridun Turkman

 some exercises on finding the MVUE from the indirect method.

Some exercies on MVUE

25 Outubro 2017, 10:30 Kamil Feridun Turkman

Some exercies on finding the minimum variance unbiased estimator using teh direct method f Rao Blackwell

Neyman-Schaffee Theorem: Uniquenes of minimum variance unbiased estimator

25 Outubro 2017, 09:00 Kamil Feridun Turkman

the notion of complete sufficient statistics

20 Outubro 2017, 14:00 Kamil Feridun Turkman

Passage from rao-Blackwell to Neyman Schaffe theorem: The complete suficiente statistics

Some exercies on likelihood estimators

20 Outubro 2017, 13:00 Kamil Feridun Turkman