
Lecture 6

31 Março 2022, 13:00 Andreia Mordido

  • External DSLs: Concrete syntax.
  • Grammars and Extended Backus-Naur Form.
  • Presentation of the DSL:
    • Molega: modeling language for educational card games.

Practical class 5

24 Março 2022, 15:00 Andreia Mordido

  • Internal DSL for Roman numerals.
  • Project status and identification of further developments.

Lecture 5

24 Março 2022, 13:00 Andreia Mordido

  • Project pitches.
  • Presentation of the DSL:
    • jMock, an embedded domain-specific language in Java.
Synchronous class transmitted via zoom. 

Practical class 4

17 Março 2022, 15:00 Andreia Mordido

  • Project pitches.

Lecture 4

17 Março 2022, 13:00 Andreia Mordido

  • Internal DSLs. Command-query vs fluent interfaces.
  • Project pitches
  • Presentation of the DSL:
    • PrintTalk: a DSL for 3D printing