
Quiz 1 + Diaries + Case Studies

8 Abril 2024, 13:00 Manuel João da Fonseca


- What are and Why use diaries 
- Challenges
- Types of diaries

Case Studies
- What are case studies 
- Goals and components 
- Logistics and protocol 
- Informal case studies

Project Work (Survey)

25 Março 2024, 15:00 Manuel João da Fonseca

Survey revision and feedback.
Project assistance and clarification of doubts.

Interviews & Focus Groups

25 Março 2024, 13:00 Manuel João da Fonseca

Interviews & Focus Groups
- Types of interviews 
- Types of Questions 
- Conducting Interviews

Project Work (Survey)

18 Março 2024, 15:00 Manuel João da Fonseca

Survey revision and feedback.
Project assistance and clarification of doubts.

Statistical Analysis II + Statistical Analysis III

18 Março 2024, 13:00 Manuel João da Fonseca

- Comparing means
- T tests
- Analysis of variance (ANOVA) 
- Assumptions of t tests and F tests
- Identifying relationships
- Assessing normality
- Nonparametric statistical tests 
- Post-hoc tests