On Covid-19 limitations and conditioning. Remote classes.

6 Março 2020, 15:12 Joao Pires da Cruz

Ladies, Gentlemen 

Due to college rules, the teaching personel is now forbid to travel abroad without keeping a 14 day quarantine after the trip. 
As I explained you in the first lecture, I do not live on teaching, I have a different job that impels me to travel several times in a year.
I do think all this is just bad math, but rules are rules and we have to live with it. That means that, since I've to travel abroad on the 31st of March, I should prepare the conditions for remote classes and for that I need your cooperation. So, I need that all of you install MS Teams (there is a free version) and those who do not have conditions for that to inform me. After installation I need you to send me the email account with which you register for me to organise the group.



PS: As a challenge for the last part of our course, think (as physicists) on the math of the virus transmission, get data from the news and tell me if you would build a life insurance business now.