- Carlos Florentino
Fundamentos de Matemática Discreta
- Norman L. Biggs
( 2003, Oxford UP )
Discrete Mathematics
- L. Lovász, J. Pélikan, K. Vesztergombi
(2003, Spriger, undergraduate texts in Mathematics)
Discrete Mathematics, Elementary and beyond
- J. Truss
(1999, Addison Wesley)
Discrete Mathematics for computer scientists
- Kenneth Rosen
( 2018, McGraw Hill )
Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications
- R. Stanley
(1997, Cambridge University Press)
Enumerative Combinatorics (vol i)
- J. Stilwell
(2003, Springer, undergraduate Texts in Maths)
Elements of number theory
- R.J. Wilson
(2010, Prentice Hall )
Introduction to Graph theory, 5th edition
- C. Berge
(1973, Gauthier-Villars)
- G.A. Jones, J.M. Jones
(1998, Springer, undergraduate Maths series)
Elementary number theory
- A. Slomson
(1999, Chapman and Hall)
An introduction to Combinatorics