
Série 6 - Grupos e simetrias

14 Dezembro 2023, 16:30 Ana Maria Formigal de Arriaga

Série 6 - groups and symmetries

Suggestions and discussion for the resolution of problems: problems 3-7

T11 – Grupos e simetrias

14 Dezembro 2023, 11:00 Ana Maria Formigal de Arriaga

Lie groups

  • generators and the transformation properties of a set of states and of operators
  • Casimir operators
  • symmetry groups of the Hamiltonian

Rotations group

TP12 - Série 5 e 6

7 Dezembro 2023, 16:30 Ana Maria Formigal de Arriaga

Série 5

Suggestions and discussion for the resolution of problems: problems 4 and 5

Série 6

Suggestions and discussion for the resolution of problems: problems 1 and 2

T12 - grupos e simetrias

7 Dezembro 2023, 11:00 Ana Maria Formigal de Arriaga

Groups and symmetries

  • Invariant subspaces and irreducible representations of a group
    • Irreducible matrix representations of a group
    • Set of states that transform as an irreducible representation of a group
    • Set of operators that transform as an irreducible representation of a group
    • Equivalent representations
    • Maschke Theorem
    • Non-equivalent irreducible representations
  • Tensor product of equivalent representations
  • Lie groups
    • definition, representations, and generators
    • commutation relations of the generators and structure constants of the group
    • three important theorems on Lie groups

T10 - Série 4

30 Novembro 2023, 16:30 Ana Maria Formigal de Arriaga

Rotation operator

Suggestions and discussion for the resolution of problems : problems 4c) e d) and 5-7