OAL - PROBLEMS - V5 (9-9-2022).pdf

The set of problems addresses 5 topics:
  • Radiometry
  • Fourier Optics
  • Polarization and Electrooptics
  • Lasers
  • Coherence
In each topic, only a fraction of problems must be solved. Each group of students is free to select the problems to solve. In several cases, problems are taken from important reference books and students are strongly advised to study from those books, mainly:

  • Goodman, Introduction to Fourier Optics
  • Goodman, Statistical Optics
  • Saleh, Fundamentals of Photonics

Additional references for specific approaches can be found in the document itself or identified by the professor in the theoretical classes.

The resolution of the problems must be delivered to the professor at the end of the week the theoretical presentation of the corresponding topic - see Assessment (Fenix).
