
Fundamentals of stochastic processes, Moments of a stochastic process

28 Setembro 2017, 10:30 Kamil Feridun Turkman

Mean variance and covariance functions of a stochastic process. the notion of cvariance matrix

Aula nº3

26 Setembro 2017, 09:00 Fernando Sequeira

Exercícios de revisão de Probabilidade. 

Fundamentals of stochastic processes

26 Setembro 2017, 08:00 Kamil Feridun Turkman

Definition of discrete and continuous time stochastic processes,

basic notions of the distribution of a stochastic process

Aula nº2

21 Setembro 2017, 11:30 Fernando Sequeira

Exercícios de revisão de Probabilidade. 

Fundamentals of stochastic processes

21 Setembro 2017, 10:30 Kamil Feridun Turkman

A review of the probability structure of a random variable and countable colection of random variables. Notion of marginal and joint density, distribution and probability mass function