- ASHRAE Fundamentals: ASHRAE 2013
- Validation of EnergyPlus thermal simulation of a double skin naturally and mechanically ventilated test cell: Nuno M. Mateus, Armando Pinto, Guilherme Carrilho da Graça 2014
- Simulated and measured performance of displacement ventilation systems in large rooms: Nuno M. Mateus, Guilherme Carrilho da Graça 2017
- Ventilation of Buildings: Hazim Awbi 2003
- Innovations in Ventilative Cooling: Giacomo Chiesa, Maria Kolokotroni, Per Heiselberg 2021
- Building Services Engineering: David V. Chadderton 2004
- Handbook of Energy Efficiency in Buildings: a life cycle approach: Francesco Asdrubali, Umberto Desideri 2019