Coastal Risk Module - Class 6 - 04/12/2023
4 Dezembro 2023, 09:00 • Maria da Conceição Pombo de Freitas
Risks Module – Risk associated to the cross-shore dynamics of beaches – retreat
and vertical swash reach. Impacts of storms in beach profiles. Seasonal
morphologic variability of beach profiles. Coastal dunes. Definition, forcing
factors, regional and local. Functions/Services of coastal dunes. The role of
vegetation. The dune life cycle.
Praia da Rainha dune beach profiles 1 and 2 performed
with DGPS in the field – exercise in Excel - Construction of a cross-sectional
topographic profile, identification of the morphosedimentary domains. Comparison
with the profiles performed between 2001 and 2019.
Coastal Risk Module - Field Trip Classes 4 and 5 - 27/11/2023
27 Novembro 2023, 11:00 • Maria da Conceição Pombo de Freitas
Coastal Risk Module - Field trip on the coast between Cova do Vapor
and Fonte da Telha. Models of human occupation, geomorphology and coastal risk
on the Costa da Caparica plain. Topographic survey of the beach profile using
DGPS in RTK mode. Estimation of the mean diameter and calibration of sediments
using a visual comparison chart. Erosion rates on this coastline and coastal
protection: groins, sea walls, artificial nourishment, dune recovery (REDUNA
project). Projection of the Areas threatened by the sea (erosion and flooding)
on this stretch of coast in 2 time periods: 2050 and 2100.
Coastal Risk Module - Class 3 - 20/11/2023
20 Novembro 2023, 09:00 • Maria da Conceição Pombo de Freitas
Coastal Risks Module - Cliff retreat and slope
mass movements. Rock fall and rockslide, planar and rotational - characteristics,
attributes of the rock massifs affected, examples, importance in terms of
hazard and risk.
Methods for characterizing the evolution of
cliffs: terrestrial LiDAR method; comparison of iconographic documents: photos
and maps - advantages and disadvantages. Selection of reference points and a
shoreline indicator, identification and marking of the indicator and fixed
references on the base document. Procedures for determining average retreat and
retreat rates, lost area and volume involved in retreat processes.
Space and coastal risk management on cliff
coastlines. Prevention actions, programmed and reactive retreat, intervention.
Prevention: setback lines on cliff coasts, launched towards the land side of
the crest (cases of resistant or soft massifs), and towards the seaside of the
foot: empirical relationships with the height of the cliff. Examples from the
national coastline. Warning signs.
Intervention: dismantling of unstable blocks, control solutions based on the
containment of erosion materials (rockfall nets, tensioned, dynamic barriers)
and stabilization: revetments (shotcrete, revetment with neat block walls,
rockfill of the foothills). Examples from the national coastline.
Accumulation coasts - beach-dune systems.
Beach: concept; limits, relationship with the coastal domain, functions/services.
Composition and size of constituent particles. Morpho-sedimentary domains:
submarine and subaerial beach. Morphology of submarine beach – sand bars, ridge
and runnel. The subaerial beach: beach face and berms.
The longitudinal dynamics of beaches and the
relationship with the oblique approach of waves. Decomposition of incident
energy into transverse and longitudinal components. Angular mismatch between
the directions of the surge and rebound of oblique waves when they surge and
rebound over a beach; consequences: establishment of a drift current and
sediment transport (littoral drift).
The cross-shore dynamics of beaches as a factor
in coastal hazard and risk. Profile retreat during storms, vertical reach of
the drift. Lowering and emptying of the subaerial beach, barefooting of
structures, exposure of building foundations. Overtopping, flooding and the
direct impact of breaking waves on elements at risk at the back of the beach.
Flood Risk - Classe 3
13 Novembro 2023, 11:00 • Maria do Rosário da Encarnação de Carvalho
Coastal Risks Module - class 2 - 13/11/2023
13 Novembro 2023, 09:00 • Maria da Conceição Pombo de Freitas
Wave regime on the west
coast and the Algarve coast. Wave energy and power. Distribution of wave energy
over time. Storms. Storm surge - concept, causes, consequences. Rise in mean
sea level (MSL). Causes of MSL variation - tectonics, isostasy and climate.
Climatic variations and major climatic events over the last 20,000 years - Last
Glacial Maximum, Bolling-Allerod, Younger Dryas, Climatic Optimum, Roman Warm
Period, Dark Period, Medieval Warm Period, Little Ice Age. MSL rise curves over
the last 20,000 years. Current MSL variation and projection until the end of
the 21st century (NOAA, IPCC, MOd.FC).
Rocky coastline - cliffs and abrasion platforms - general concepts. Cliffs -
morphological elements, characterization, active processes. Shore platforms -
morphological elements, characterization, active processes. Cliff retreat
processes. External processes: shear, abrasion, compression - decompression.
Intrinsic resistance factors: lithology, fracturing, weathering. The cycle of
under-excavation, instabilization, collapse, debris removal. Toe protection and
return interval between successive collapses. Cliff retreat and slope mass
movements - concept, nomenclature. Types of movement: toppling, rock fall, rockslide,
planar and rotational. Toppling - characteristics,
attributes of the rock massifs affected, examples in the Portuguese coast, importance
in terms of hazard and risk.