
Planar Systems

2 Outubro 2023, 11:00 Ana Maria Ribeiro Ferreira Nunes

Phase space, orbits and phase portraits.
Classification of linear systems in the plane.
Jordan canonical form for a general matrix.


28 Setembro 2023, 17:30 Ana Maria Ribeiro Ferreira Nunes

Problems 1.4 and 1.10 from Lynch.
Extra problem on power series methods versus integrating factor methods for linear differential equations.

Differential Equations as Dynamical Systems

25 Setembro 2023, 11:00 Ana Maria Ribeiro Ferreira Nunes

Existence and uniqueness thorem for ordinary differential equations.
Analytic methods for elementary differential equations.

This class took place on monday October 2

21 Setembro 2023, 17:30 Ana Maria Ribeiro Ferreira Nunes

Lynch Chapter 1 prooblems 6, 7 and 8.

Introduction to the course

18 Setembro 2023, 11:00 Ana Maria Ribeiro Ferreira Nunes

Presentation of the contents and methods of evaluation.