Exercises Hoare Calculus
27 Setembro 2023, 18:30 • Antónia Lopes
- Exercises1: 2 (h), (j), (l. Deductive proofs for two more complex programs: downwards sum and power.
Deductive Software Verification I
27 Setembro 2023, 16:30 • Antónia Lopes
- Logic recap:
- Syntax, Semantics
- Validity, Satisfiability
- Proof System
- Examples: propositional and first-order logic
- Hoare logic:
- Hoare triples
- Deductive system for partial correctness
- Proofs represented as trees and annotated programs
Required tools for the course
20 Setembro 2023, 18:30 • Antónia Lopes
- Quick tour of the tools required for the course assignments
20 Setembro 2023, 16:30 • Antónia Lopes
- Synopsis, including objectives, bibliography, effort required to complete the course, and grading
- Overview of the major topics covered in the course