

  • Fiete, R.D., Modeling the imaging chain of digital cameras (SPIE Press, 2010) Goodman, J. W., Introduction to Fourier Optics (Roberts & Company, 2005) Kramer H., Observation of the Earth and its Environment - Survey of Missions and Sensors (4ed, Springer 2002) Bass M., Handbook of Optics (McGraw Hill, 2009) Hill J., Mégier J., Imaging Spectrometry, a Tool for Environmental Observations (Springer, 2007) Hecht E, Óptica (Gulbenkian, 1998):
  • Fiete, R.D., Modeling the imaging chain of digital cameras (SPIE Press, 2010) Goodman, J. W., Introduction to Fourier Optics (Roberts & Company, 2005) Kramer H., Observation of the Earth and its Environment - Survey of Missions and Sensors (4rd edition, Springer 2002) Bass M., Handbook of Optics (McGraw Hill, 2009) Hill J., Mégier J., Imaging Spectrometry, a Tool for Environmental Observations (Springer, 2007) Hecht E, Óptica (Gulbenkian, 1998):


  • O docente fornecerá bibliografia específica em função das necessidades e interesses dos alunos, conforme os trabalhos que decidirem realizar ou temas que desejem aprofundar.: