
Multiagent planning.

6 Dezembro 2024, 13:00 Luis Manuel Ferreira Fernandes Moniz

What is planning. Classical planning and multi-agent planning. Design problems


29 Novembro 2024, 15:00 Luis Manuel Ferreira Fernandes Moniz

STRIPS  planning examples.

Argumentation and coordination.

29 Novembro 2024, 13:00 Luis Manuel Ferreira Fernandes Moniz

Process of argumentation and argumentation system. Argumentation process as a graph. Cooperative and distributed problem resolution.

Distributed Agents

22 Novembro 2024, 15:00 Luis Manuel Ferreira Fernandes Moniz

Federation of platforms and service sharing mechanisms.

Interaction and Negotiation

22 Novembro 2024, 13:00 Luis Manuel Ferreira Fernandes Moniz

Interaction and negotiation between agents. Single‐issue negotiation and multi-issue negotiation, axiomatic approach and Nash’s bargaining axioms. Game theoretic approaches for multi‐issue negotiation, Task Oriented Negotiation and heuristics approaches.