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  • Goldberg (2017) Neural Network Methods for Natural Language Processing Morgan & Claypool Publishers
  • Blackburn e Bos (2006) Learn Prolog Now! College Publications
  • Covington (1994) Natural Language Processing for Prolog Programmers Prentice-Hall


  • Branco, António, João Rodrigues, Małgorzata Salawa, Ruben Branco, Chakaveh Saedi (2020) Comparative Probing of Lexical Semantics Theories for Cognitive Plausibility and Technological Usefulness In Proceedings, 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING2020), International Committee on Computational Linguistics (ICCL), pp.4004-4019
  • Branco, António (2018) Computational Complexity of Natural Languages: A Reasoned Overview In Proceedings, The 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING2018), Workshop on Linguistic Complexity and Natural Language Processing (LC&NLP2018), pp.10-19..
  • Newell (1973) You Can't Play 20 Questions with Nature and Win In Chase (ed.) Visual Information Processing, Academic Press.