
Configuration of a detector and particle reconstruction

3 Dezembro 2019, 14:00 Valentina Lozza

Configuration of an experiment:
- choice of detectors for high and low energy physics
- Measurement of momentum and its uncertainty
- Factors that determine the detector choice (energy and position resolution for example)
- Tracking and position resolution 
- track finding and fitting: example of least squares 

Solving exercise and discussion of pool of articles

29 Novembro 2019, 08:30 Valentina Lozza

Solved second set of exercises and discussed the pool of articles for the presentation for the 13th of December

Particle identification

26 Novembro 2019, 14:00 Valentina Lozza

Particle identification:
- Time of flight method
- Cherenkov detector's method: RICH and difference
- Transition radiation method
- dE/dx
- Interval of application 

Not Taught.

22 Novembro 2019, 08:30 Valentina Lozza

Lecture not taught due to travel plans (attendance of a conference)

Hadronic Calorimeters and detetor electronics

19 Novembro 2019, 14:00 Valentina Lozza

Hadronic calorimeters:

- basic principle of operation
- e/h values 
- compensating calorimeters: tuning of detector materials to equalise electrons and hadron response
- energy resolution
- example of detectors
- future developments

- Basic electronics for the particle physics detectors: pre-amplifier, signal shaping, RC and CR circuits