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  • L Cooper, D Steinberg (1974) Methods and Applications of Linear Programming W.B. Sanders Company
  • G Zoutendijk (1976) Mathematical Programming Methods North-Holland, Amesterdam
  • A Ravindran, DT Phillips, J Solberg (1987) Operations Research: Principles and Practice J. Wiley & Sons
  • W Cook, W Cunningham, W Pulleyblank and A Schrijver (1998) Combinatorial Optimization, Capítulos 2, 3, 4 e 5. John Wiley & Sons
  • RK Ahuja, TL Magnanti & JB Orlin (1993) Network Flows Prentice-Hall, Inc.
  • M Gondran & M Minoux (1984) Graphs and Algorithms J. Wiley & Sons


  • ( ) Slides e notas dos Professores ME Captivo, L Gouveia e A Paias, Folhas de Apoio de Optimização em Redes.
  • MM Syslo, N Deo & JS Kowalik (1983) Discrete Optimization Algorithms with Pascal Programs Prentice-Hall Inc.